1. Pick Right Landing Place
When you are on the spawn Iceland, choose the landing place which best suits you. If you are beginner than in my view you should go for high-risk areas so you can learn fighting and the tactics of the game. Our post for erangel best loot location can help you with picking up the best landing place.
2. Find best guns pair for your self
You should choose guns wisely to win the game. There are a lot of guns in the pubg but which pair is best to win the chicken dinner? If you find out which guns best suit you then you can win most of the time. You can find the best guns in pubg for you by reading our post.
Best guns in pubg - click here
3. Aim For Head
Always try to aim for the head of the enemy. Because the damage of any gun is highest on the head and it takes fewer shots to kill the enemy. If you have AKM and the enemy having a 3rd level helmet than also it will take 3-4 shots to kill him. As you go down the damage amount get fewer and take more shots to kill the enemy.
4. Don't stand on a place, keep moving
Standing at a place can get kill you with a headshot. Moving targets are difficult to kill. If you are standing then there are more chances of getting a headshot. If you are playing pubg in mobile keep rotating the button in circle. And in pubg pc or pubg emulator,5. you can keep pressing w a the .
5. Don't hurry keep the gameplay slow
Don't hurry when you spot an enemy, When you spot enemy which is far from you then just keep in mind these things
- Look where is he going, most of the time single player tries to go towards there squad. So by waiting for some time, you can find his squad to kill.
- Don't shoot just after spotting an enemy, if you are sure that you can kill him then only shoot because by shooting you are giving your location to the nearby enemy.
6. Stay close to your squad
Always try to stay close with your teammates because if you got knockout so they can revive you easily. A single player can be easily killed by the squad. I will write a post about squad tips and tricks later so keep in touch with the blog by following it.
7. Always keep a vehicle near you
The vehicle may make noise but when you have to go into the safe zone without getting much damage they are best. A vehicle is better than running in open getting the damage from the blue zone and there can be enemies waiting for you in the safe zone so in this situation vehicle are the best option.
8. Avoid taking fight
Keep an eye on the blue zone time and the distance of you from the safe zone. If there is not enough time or the distance of the safe zone is more than avoiding the fight. May you kill them but the blue zone will you damage and who knows as you enter in the safe zone there are enemies waiting for you
9. Try to be in the safe zone first
Always try to get into safe zone first and find a good spot for you to kill the late comers. By doing this you will always be in advantage.
10. Keep changing your position
This is the biggest problem with most of the players they don't change their position after shooting. By doing this you have an advantage over your enemy and you have more chances to kill the enemy.
Thanks for reading, happy winner winner chicken dinner.