
Pubg Mobile Zombie Mode Update

Pubg Mobile 0.11.0 will bring zombie mode.

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The popular game owned by China�s Tencent has announced a collaboration with the Resident Evil 2 game. So the new pubg mobile zombie update will be based on Resident evil theme.

The PUBG Mobile�s official Twitter account posted saying, �Only the strong will survive� tagging @RE_Games and an image of the upcoming new feature.

This mode will be a time-limited event, and players will have to survive as usual, but this time Zombies from the Resident Evil 2 will also spawn on the  Erangel map. Players will have to gather supplies from the map or by killing the Resident Evil 2 bosses who will come their way in each wave

Update can bring new feature like-
  • Pubg Zombie Mode
  • Moonlight in vikendi map
  • Shanhok will be avalible in arcade mode.
According to earlier reports, the new version of the game is expected to roll out sometime this week.

pubg zombie mode
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pubg zombie
new pubg zombie update
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zombie mode pubg mobile

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