this is the guide post on How to download pubg mobile or pubg emulator in pc. Pubg emulator give us big screen to play and there are many benifits of pubg emulator.
How to donwnload pubg in pc or how to download pubg mobile emulator.
Step 1. Go to the given link - click here
Step 2. From the given download button download the pubg emulator setup. The size of pubg emulator is around 8 mb.
Step 3. Install it and run it. First it will start downloading
Step 4 .After installing it will download the emulator which is around 200-300 mb in size.
Step 5. After the completion of installation of emulator it will download the pubg mobile which is around 1.5 Gb.
Step 6. After the download it is ready to play. Click on play button and if there is any another in app-update it will donwload that and run.
How to donwnload pubg in pc or how to download pubg mobile emulator.
Step 1. Go to the given link - click here
Step 2. From the given download button download the pubg emulator setup. The size of pubg emulator is around 8 mb.
Step 3. Install it and run it. First it will start downloading
Step 4 .After installing it will download the emulator which is around 200-300 mb in size.
Step 5. After the completion of installation of emulator it will download the pubg mobile which is around 1.5 Gb.
Step 6. After the download it is ready to play. Click on play button and if there is any another in app-update it will donwload that and run.