In 1973, Atari released Space Race, an arcade video game where players control spaceships that race against opposing ships, while avoiding comets and meteors. It is a competitive two-player game controlled using a two-way joystick, and features black and white graphics.[3] The same year, Taito released a similar space-themed racing video game Astro Race, which uses a four-way joystick.[4]
The following year, Taito released Speed Race, an early driving racing game designed by Tomohiro Nishikado (of Space Invaders fame).[5][6] The game features overhead vertical scrolling,[7] with the course width becoming wider or narrower as the player's car moves up the road, while the player races against other rival cars, more of which appear as the score increases. The game was re-branded as Wheels by Midway Games for release in the United States and was influential on later racing games.[7] That same year, Atari released another early car driving game in the arcades, Gran Trak 10, which presents an overhead single-screen view of the track in low resolution white-on-black graphics. It is considered "the grandfather of car-based racing games", being the first arcade video game to feature racing between cars and the first to be controlled with a steering wheel.
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